
About Code to Pen

I just want to log my personal opinions and experiences of coding. I’ve been coding for 20 years, now I just want to document my thought processes as they continue evolve.

I’ll be making a lot of mistakes in this blog, feel free to tell me about them.

Hello REST – Building the API

Following on from Designing a RESTful API, this post will be a guide on building the API, itself. The application will be used as benchmark for future posts, most of my decisions are simply because this setup is in my comfort zone. The main tools I’ll be using are, Vagrant manages the virtual machine Scotchbox…

Hello REST – Designing a RESTful API

Whilst trying to solve problems, I often need to use others projects as a benchmark. But how do I represent this when writing a blog post? My answer is to write a “Hello world” RESTful API that will allow me to break everything down into chunks. In a series of blog posts I will be:…